Info The Godbreakers Battle

Dear Mortals, Godbreakers.


The meaning of this event is that we will create 2 teams, that will be made randomly, and will be made in a livestream. There are no requirements to join this event! :-).

We going to make also a price pot. Every member can make a donation but it's not that you must! The team that gets the most achievements done, will win. All the members of that team will get the price pot shared. For members that didn't contribute won't get anything. So be sure to help your team to win! :-)

Every challenge in the list can only be completed once. Ofcourse we made this event not only for pvmers but also for skillers so everyone can join some achievements!


Once you got an achievement completed be sure to take a screenshot of your screen and post it in the discord server so we can award you you're point for this achievement!


This page is just made as an introduction to this event , and pure informative so you have a little idea of how it will work. Be free to look to the other pages of this site and if you have any questions you just can ask to every admin+ in the clan!




Hope to see you soon in this battle!

Devious Me