Every team can only get 1x achievement, for example you can not get 2x araxxi task. The team that completes most tasks will win the battle. If the endscore is a draw we can still battle it with a game like castle wars!


If you get the achievement done, be sure to take a screenshot of your whole screen.

Skill tasks:


1. Catch a Big shark, or Big swordfish.  (lvl. 50 fishing.)

2. Get an uncharted map at deep sea fishing. (lvl. 68 fishing.)

Get/buy a red uncharted map 3pt.

Get a dragon mattock drop of 'Big game hunter' in anachronia. (lvl 75 hunter and 55 slayer.)

1.Make a tetra compass, get an ancient casket, and get a dragon mattock drop of it. (lvl. 76 arch.) (1pt.)

Obtain Tony's Mattock. (3pt.)

2. Get an inquisitor piece drop while skilling. (lvl. 5 arch.)

Get the fastest time with 1 anachronia lap. The team with the best lap wins this task. (This task can be quickchatted in game.) (lvl 85 agility.)

Steal a Pharaoh's sceptre in pyramid plunder. (lvl. 21 thieving)

Get an abyssal head drop of abyssal demons. (lvl 85 slayer.)

Get the fastest dungeoneering time of 1 floor. (small, complexity 6) (Take a screenshot at the end of the dungeon (completeing screen)) (lvl 1 dung.)

Get a seren spirit and get as drop:

1. Vecna skull (1 pt)

2. Get onyx bolts. (1 pt)

3. Get a hazelmere's signet ring drop. (15 pt)

Boss tasks: 

Drop needs to be yours! Lootshare counts if it says your name.

Get a fang, web or eye drop of araxxi.Krijg een fang, web, of eye drop van Araxxi. 

Get an amulet of the forsaken or a piece of Linza's outfit. (barrows)

Get a shield drop with barrows: Rise of the six.

Get a rare drop of Chaos Elemental. (Pet doesn't count.)

Get a Saradomin Hilt from commander Zilyana. 

Get a sigil drop of corporal beast.

Get a Dragon hatchet drop of Dagannoth Kings.

Get a rare drop at Dragonkin Laboratory.

Get a rare drop at the Shadow Reef.

Het a rare drop at Temple of Aminishi.

Get a bandos hilt of General Graardor. 

Get a Dragon 2h sword drop of Giant Mole. 

Get a Crest of Sliske drop of Gregorovic.

Get a Crest of Seren drop of Helwyr.

Get a Crest of Zamorak drop of The Twin Furies.

Get a Crest of Zaros drop of Vindicta.

Get a drygore drop of Kalphite King. 

Get a dragon 2h sword drop of Kalphite Queen. 

Get a Rare collection drop of King Black Dragon. (pet/head doesn't count.)

Get an Armadyl Hilt drop of Kree'Arra. 

Get a Zamorak Hilt drop ofK'ril Tsutsaroth.

Get 4 signets (keys) drop of Legiones.

Kill a Mazcab boss (bm or yaka) and get a Mazcab ability codex drop.

Kill the magister and get the Gloves of passage.

Get 2 pieces of torva at Nex.

Kill AOD, and get an unique drop. (if coinshare you need to get 120 shards.)

Kill QBD and get a dragon kiteshield drop. 

Kill Raksha and get a shadow spike drop.

Get a solak kill with at least 2 members of your team.

Kill Telos and get a drop of the collection log.

Kill Vorago and get a drop of the collection log. (if it's coinshare you need to get 120 shards.)


Kill a Rex boss and get 'heart of the Berserker' drop.

Kill Zamorak and get a bow piece.

Kill Croesus and get a piece of Cryptbloom armour.

Kill Arch Glacor and get a Frozen core of leng.

Kill Zukand get Magma Tempest ability codex.

Kill Kerapac and get a staff piece.

other tasks:

Get a broadcast with a clue scroll (hard, elite or master.)

Get the highest oyster reward, person with the highest wealth get's a point. (Quest req: Beneath Cursed Tides.) (tip.: 2x possible with a monthly d&d.)

Get out of a sack of rare wild rewards next item: 
-Dark onyx core 3pt
-a weapon 2pt
-an elite casket 1pt

You got any idea's of tasks? Let us know!

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